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Winter tradition

Hanten, a Japanese winter tradition. It's hard to see these days, but when the hanten with small futons and sleeves is prepared when the cold gets into full swing, it's fun to spend time with a kotatsu in a fluffy hanten. I feel like there was a gap. NANGA's down hanten, which can be said to be the modern version of such a hanten. Down hanten, which is light and can fully utilize the warm down function indoors, is an eco-friendly room wear that allows you to spend heating at an appropriate temperature setting. Compared to the outerwear of outerwear, it is made more generously and covers the waist well, so it is perfect for cold weather. It's a one-size-fits-all gift for families, Christmas gifts, grandparents living far away, and great gifts for parents.
It will be fun if you have oranges, hanten, warmth, and things that make you feel the seasons even in the winter you spend at home. Let's get ready for winter before the cold comes.

Down quality and warmth due to details

The down of NANGA is surprisingly light. Still, it is warm and warm because it uses plenty of carefully selected European down feathers. (With country of origin certification) The FP (fill power index), which is the quality measurement standard for down feathers, is 760 FP. It is generally said that 550FP is a high quality down, so we are using a number that greatly exceeds that. The higher the number, the more "down that contains air and has high restoring force and bulk", so the heat retention is high and the weight is lightened with a small amount of down.

Himalayan high peaks continue to challenge to overcome difficulties

NANGA is the predecessor of Yokota Sewing, which was founded in 1941 and manufactured kotatsu futons and mattresses. In the 1960s, the company name was changed to Nanga in order to continue manufacturing in Japan, and it will become known not only to mountaineers in Japan but also to mountaineers all over the world as a sleeping bag and down maker using high-grade down. NANGA is the 9th highest mountain in the world in the Himalayas, the high peak Nanga Palpat at an altitude of 8,125m. It is very difficult to climb and is known to have caused many victims, but behind the brand name of the mountain, there is a strong will to continue the challenge to overcome the most difficult situation. there is.

The idea of ​​making itself is sincere and honest and strong. Thorough attention is paid to the safety and quality of the feathers, and a lifetime warranty is given to the sleeping bag. We hope that the down jackets and sleeping bags we make will feel safe, secure and comfortable for everyone who loves them.



  • ダウンハンテン(BEG)
  • ダウンハンテン(BLK)
  • ダウンハンテン(BLK WATCH)
  • BLK・身長160cm
  • BLK・身長160cm
  • BLK・身長160cm
  • 身長160cm・BLK WATCH
  • 身長160cm・BLK WATCH
  • 身長160cm・BLK WATCH
  • BEG・身長160cm
  • BEG・身長160cm
  • BEG・身長160cm
  • 両サイドに大きなポケット付き
  • シンプルな作りのNANGAのダウンハンテン
  • 紐が付いています
  • 首元(背面)
  • 毛布のようなふかふかさ
  • 首元
  • BLK
  • BEG
  • 外着にもおすすめ(BLK・身長160cm)
  • 外着にもおすすめ(BLK・身長160cm)
  • 身長160cm・BLK WATCH
  • 身長160cm・BLK WATCH
  • BEG・身長160cm
  • BEG・身長160cm
Size Body length: 76cm
Chest width: 60cm
Sleeve length: 78cm
Weight 600g
Material Outer material: 100% cotton
Lining: 100% nylon
Batting: 80% down, 20% feathers
Country of origin China

How to care

  • Neutral detergent can be used

Staff wearing feeling

  • The width of the body is also spacious and there is no feeling of oppression. It's so light that you don't have to worry about stiff shoulders. The length was enough to hide the butt. Due to the short stature, both sleeves and shoulder width are large.

  • 温かいを届けるNANGA




NANGA is the predecessor of Yokota Sewing, which was founded in 1941 and manufactured kotatsu futons and mattresses.
In the 1960s, the company name was changed to Nanga in order to continue manufacturing in Japan, and it will become known not only to mountaineers in Japan but also to mountaineers all over the world as a sleeping bag and down maker using high-grade down.
The idea of ​​making itself is sincere, simple and strong. Thorough attention is paid to the safety and quality of feathers, and the product has a lifetime warranty. We hope that the down jackets and down jackets we make will feel safe, secure and comfortable for everyone who loves them.

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