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Washable pillow

In Finland, where saunas are closely related to life, people enjoy various styles of saunas at home, in the city, and in nature. The Sauna Pillow, which was born from the home of Finland, who knows how to enjoy such a sauna, is a pillow for saunas made of materials with excellent quick-drying and hygroscopic properties. An item unique to the country of saunas, where each person finds a way to relax and be comfortable.

LAPUAN KANKRIT, which continues to make textiles that are close to life in Finland, also has a lineup of goods that match the sauna, which has become a part of people's lives. The 2,000-year-old sauna is a special place for Finnish people to cleanse and relax, as well as a gathering place.

For saunas and rooms

Sauna pillows are popular items that increase satisfaction in saunas. It may not be familiar in Japan, but it is a very useful item when you want to relax in a sauna or bedrock bath that can be used in a private room. Sauna pillows that support a relaxing posture on hard bedrock or when taking a bath in the open air are made of linen that dries quickly, so they can be used not only in the sauna but also at the poolside or waterside. You can use it. In addition, it is a moderate size, so it can be used for a wide range of purposes, such as a pillow for naps and a cushion for sofas. Of course, it can also be washed, so you can keep using it clean forever.

Two designs are available: KOIVU and MIESTEN. KOIVU depicts a deeply relaxing Finnish landscape surrounded by white birches. MIESTEN makes you want to go to the sauna as you watch the men who endure in the sauna. Both are Scandinavian gray tones and are designed to be easy to use as an interior. For those who want to enjoy the sauna even more comfortably, sauna cover, and cute round shapessauna hat is also available. Sauna goods that can detox your daily fatigue even more comfortably are recommended as a birthday gift for a family who enjoys saunas, or as a wedding gift for a friend who enjoys the outdoors.

Manufacturing to enrich people's lives

LAPUAN KANKURIT is also particular about the materials used, and is the only manufacturer of linen products in Northern Europe to be certified as a "Master of Linen". We are particular about the selection of materials, importing soft linen products from South America, and hard products from New Zealand and Scandinavian countries, and select the best linen materials for each usage scene. And as a result of researching how to weave the edges of the fabric beautifully, we are so particular about making linen products that we have our own weaving machine.
In addition, we feel that LAPUAN KANKURIT aims to be close to the lives of LAPUAN KANKURIT, as we are able to offer products at reasonable prices through consistent production at our own factory. LAPUAN KANKURIT, which has been making products of the same quality for four generations, delivers products that you want to use all the time.

サウナピロー NAISTEN


  • サウナピロー NAISTEN
  • サウナピロー(KOIVU)
  • サウナピロー(MIESTEN)
  • サウナピロー NAISTEN
  • サウナ用としてだけでなくお昼寝用の枕にも程よいサイズ(KOIVU)
  • サウナ用としてだけでなくお昼寝用の枕にも程よいサイズ(KOIVU)
  • サウナ用としてだけでなくお昼寝用の枕にも程よいサイズ(MIESTEN)
  • サウナ用としてだけでなくお昼寝用の枕にも程よいサイズ(MIESTEN)
  • インテリアクッションにもどうぞ
  • クッション性の高さも魅力(MIESTEN)
  • 速乾性と吸湿性に優れた素材(KOIVU)
  • 速乾性と吸湿性に優れた素材(MIESTEN)
  • 丸洗することができ、清潔に使い続けられます(KOIVU)
  • 丸洗することができ、清潔に使い続けられます(MIESTEN)
  • サウナシートとお揃いもおすすめ
  • 同柄のサウナカバーも合わせて(MIESTEN)
  • 使い終わったらフックに引っ掛けて干すことができます(MIESTEN)
Size Width: 44cm
Height: 12cm
Depth: 19cm
Weight 199g
Material 60% linen, 40% cotton
Filling material: 100% polyester
Country of origin Finland
Gift box Gift box is not available for this product.

Feature of product

  • - Sauna pillow from Finland, the country of saunas.
    - Made of quick-drying and moisture-absorbing material that can be used for saunas, bedrock baths, waterside leisure activities, etc.
    - Can also be used as a pillow or cushion for a nap.


  • - Due to the use of natural materials and the effects of finishing, etc., the actual size may differ from the displayed size.
    - Due to the characteristics of the material, it may shrink about 5%.
    - The original color of linen may fade with repeated washings.
    - After use, please do not leave it in the sauna room and take it out of the room.

How to care

  • - When washing, please wash separately with a weak water flow of 40°C or less.
    - After washing, reshape and dry in a damp state.
    - Avoid tumble drying.
    - Do not use softener or bleach.




「ラプアの織り手たち」を意味するLAPUAN KANKURIT(ラプアンカンクリ)。
当時は貧しく、物資のない時代。一般家庭で毛糸や麻が作られていたその時代に、 創業者の曾祖父、ユホ・アンナラが廃材と自分で紡いだ毛糸でフェルトブーツを生産し始めたのが始まりのきっかけです。
その後の1973年、織物工場からテキスタイル会社としてのLAPUAN KANKURIT(ラプアンカンクリ)が設立されました。

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