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For those who want to enjoy fragrance more casually

Spending time in a room enveloped in a pleasant scent is effective in relieving stress and relaxing both physically and mentally. In addition, by placing your favorite scent in your home, it will be like a switch that switches between such feelings of relief when you come home. British fragrance brand ELM RD (Elm Road) creates fragrances for people who spend their days in a hurry.

A room spray FREEDOM with a nice design that combines a slim glass container with a natural wood cap. Unlike reed diffusers that are always left in the room, the feature is that you can enjoy the scent only when you want it. It can also be used by wiping it on a cloth such as a sofa or bedding, so it is recommended for those who want to take in the scent more casually.

Premium fragrance and design

ELM RD carries out all processes by hand by British craftsmen, from manufacturing candles, fragrances and containers to assembling packages. All processes are made with an emphasis on "handwork," "fine design," and "high quality."

FREEDOM is a scent formulated to give you energy and reset your feelings. It is also interesting that each scent created by ELM RD has an image, which evokes various memories and emotions and helps you feel at peace.

TOP: Eucalyptus, Basil, Lemon
HEART (MIDDLE): Lavender
BASE: Atlas Cedar, Fur Needle

I feel stuffy in a narrow space like being wrapped in a cocoon, but with just a little bit of light, I can see the blue sky, the chirping of birds, and the green trees. By gradually freeing yourself from the things that have limited you and discovering a rich environment, your heart will dance and your feelings will rise. The air is filled with scents of eucalyptus and lavender, giving you a sense of new life. Nothing can stop you here. you are free

ELM RD's commitment is not only in the formulation, but also in the selection of materials and packaging. Room sprays are alcohol-free and made with 100% natural essential oils. In addition, the bumpy package is made of a paper called seeded paper, which is a combination of recycled paper pulp and mustard flower seeds. After receiving the product, the box is often thrown away after completing its role, but it transforms into a completely different shape and gives you a new enjoyment.

The room spray FREEDOM embodies the brand's philosophy in everything from the scent to the container to the packaging. Not only can it be used at home, but it can also be used as a gift for birthdays and Christmas, as a gift that expresses the feeling of being tired every day.

Helping you relax in your busy life

UK based fragrance brand ELM RD. The brand's founder, Miguel Ángel, worked in the big advertising industry and spent a hectic schedule between England and America. In his stressful and anxious days, he stopped by San Francisco's Golden Gate Park just a short time before his flight, and that is what inspired him to start this brand.

The scent of the towering pine, eucalyptus and cypress trees of Golden Gate Park made me realize just how important our sense of smell is to our relaxation, health and well-being. “What if we could put this scent in a bottle and help others find their mind-body balance in a time of need?” Make sure you connect with emotion.

Then the exploration of Miguel Angel's world of scents begins. Learn aromatherapy and continue experimenting with blending different essential his oils at home. In 2005, ELM RD started as a natural handmade home fragrance brand.

Today, in our labs in South East London, our products are formulated, designed and manufactured entirely by hand. All decisions are based on "Reuse, Reduce and Recycle", and we create environmentally friendly and sustainable products from the selection of raw materials to packaging and containers.



  • 天然木のキャップを使い、インテリアにもよく馴染みます。
  • ルームスプレー FREEDOM
  • ルームスプレー FREEDOM
  • リサイクル可能なアルミ製のスプレーヘッド
  • 必要な時だけ香りを楽しめるルームスプレー
  • パッケージの紙には種が入っており、土に還すと植物の栽培が楽しめます。
  • ルームスプレー FREEDOM
  • 必要な時だけ香りを楽しめるルームスプレー(イメージ写真)
  • ルームスプレー FREEDOM
  • ルームスプレー FREEDOM
  • ルームスプレー FREEDOM
Size Capacity: 100ml
Diameter about 3.8 x height 16.5 (cm)
Weight 265g
Material Essential Oils: Eucalyptus, Lavender, Cedar, Fir Needle, Lemon, Petitgrain, Benzoin, Basil
Container: glass, natural wood, aluminum
Country of origin England

Product features

  • -An alcohol-free room spray that uses essential oils.
    -Chemicals, paraffin, additives, and synthetic fragrances are not used.
    -Since the package contains mustard flower seeds, you can grow mustard flowers by returning them to the soil.

よみもの|自分と家族のための安らぎの香り、ELM RD。グリーンがもたらすリラックス時間。

  • 自分と家族のための安らぎの香り、ELM RD。グリーンがもたらすリラックス時間。




イギリスを拠点とするフレグランスブランドELM RD(エルムロード)。ブランドの創設者、ミゲル・アンヘルは、私たちがリラックスして健康と幸福に暮らすためには、嗅覚がいかに重要であるかを実感したことから、香りの世界の探求がスタート。アロマセラピーを学び、自宅でさまざまなエッセンシャル オイルをブレンドする実験続けます。そして2005年に、ナチュラルハンドメイドホームフレグランスブランドとしてELM RDがスタートしました。現在は南東ロンドンのラボで、製品の調合、デザイン、製造まで全ての工程を手仕事で行っています。「Reuse, Reduce and Recycle」という考え方を大切にし、原料選びからパッケージ、容器に至るまで環境に配慮した持続可能な商品を作り出しています。

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ルームスプレー FREEDOMには、他にもこんな仲間がいます。

ルームスプレー FREEDOMには、こんなZUTTOな商品がぴったりです。
