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Pin 1876(ピン1876)



Pin 1876's piece-dyed snood feels as soft and silky as silk.

It's like cotton candy made from cashmere, so fluffy and soft that it almost melts.

It adds a soft accent to your fall and winter outfits.

Many people have their favorite jackets and coats to wear in the chilly season, but it's nice to have a few accessories that make your everyday style more elegant. Pin 1876's Yarn-dyed cashmere stoles come in a basic color variation, but for the snood, we chose one that will add a touch of glamour to your outfit by taking advantage of the piece-dyed color. Since it is smaller than the stoles, we chose a color that will brighten up your fall and winter fashion.

It is easy to wear around the collar of a cut-and-sew or shirt in early autumn when you don't need a jacket yet, and it is just right when you don't need a large wrap even in the cold season. It is made of cashmere, but it is a thin knit so you don't have to worry about wrinkles, and it is convenient to roll it up and put it in your bag, so it is a useful cashmere snood from Pin 1876. Even if you want to go out in autumn and winter, you can feel elegant just by changing your accessories a little.

Wrap it softly

Pin 1876's snood is made of 100% cashmere and is characterized by its softness and fluffyness like air. When you spread it out, it is shaped like a rectangle. The reason why it is called "like" is because it is not too neat and tidy. The crinkly, warm-looking fabric fits your body as if it were cut out of the air, and elegantly lets in light. It is not as bulky as winter cold weather gear, so it can be used for a long period of time from early autumn to early spring. It is so light that you will want to wear it with thin knits and cut-and-sew tops, and it is recommended for people who don't like wraps because they cause shoulder stiffness.

This cashmere snood is small, but it is recommended for its convenience like a scarf that can be wrapped in various ways. It is not too voluminous and is just the right fit to wear with a coat or jacket, and it is a long-selling item of the brand because it can be used by both men and women.

It is good for your health to keep your neck warm, and you don't like scarves and stoles because they come undone from the end even when you wrap them around your neck. This snood is recommended for those who like that. It is in a loop shape, so there is no need to worry about it coming undone. It is easy to arrange how to wrap it, and if you wrap it twice, it will add volume, warm you, and brighten up the area around your face. Also, unlike large scarves, it is easy to draw the eye upwards, which helps to make you look stylish. Therefore, it is easy to use with wide bottoms and loose clothing.
You can also hang it around your neck without wrapping it around your neck. This way of wrapping it around your neck is more like an accessory around the neck than a warm one, and it is a convenient way to use it with a no-collar jacket or coat to make it look stylish. You can also widen it and wear it like a shawl. This will give you a stylish adult look when combined with a casual style. Of course, you can also easily wrap it like a scarf folded in half.

Pin 1876's snoods have a wide variety of ways to wrap and look, and are loved by a wide range of people from women to men, so they are also recommended as birthday or Christmas gifts for loved ones.

Create an atmosphere

Yarn-dyed cashmere snoods are available in eight fun colors to choose from. Only an Italian brand with a good sense of color and color expression can offer this product. Each color brings out the luxurious luster of cashmere, making it easy to match with any outfit.

Botto Giuseppe was founded in 1876 in Pale Mosso, a Biella district in Italy, which has long been famous for its suit materials. It is a great gift for a wide range of people, regardless of age or gender, for special occasions or Christmas. The custom-made size of approximately 38 cm wide and 158 cm high makes it easy for men to use, and the cashmere material makes it easy to use. The quality of this snood is unique to a factory brand, making it a great gift for both the giver and the recipient.

Trusted by tradition

Botto Giuseppe was founded in 1876 in Pale Mosso, a district of Biella in Italy that has long been famous for its suit materials. This factory brand specializes in producing pure yarn using traditional techniques and fabrics, and is recognized as a leading company in the Italian textile industry. Designers from around the world recognize the quality of the texture and materials, and the fact that luxury fashion houses such as LOUIS VUITTON and HERMES frequently use this manufacturer's fabrics shows how highly trusted it is. PIN1876 is a brand produced by Botto Giuseppe. The brand name comes from the nickname "PIN" of the founder, Giuseppe Botto Poala. PIN1876 pursues an elegant style with the concept of "lightness and delicacy like air," and is attractive not only for its functionality such as delicacy, lightness, and warmth, but also for its high sensitivity and pursuit of trends.

カシミヤ後染スヌード	GREEN


  • カシミヤ後染スヌード	GREEN
  • カシミヤ後染スヌード	GREYWHITE
  • カシミヤ後染スヌード	MUSTARD
  • カシミヤ後染スヌード	BLUE
  • カシミヤ後染スヌード	PINK
  • カシミヤ100%
  • 伸縮性があるカシミヤ100%
  • カシミヤ後染スヌード	MUSTARD
  • 伸縮のニットでバッグに丸めて持ち運びやすい
  •  ふわふわのカシミヤ100%ニット
  • 透ける生地感ですが気軽に使えるのがPin 1876の良さ
  • カシミヤ後染スヌード	BLUE
  • 幅約42cm
  • ぐるりと長さ約66.5cm
  • 季節の変わり目の装いにも役立ちます
  • 肌寒い時期になったらすぐに取り入れやすい軽さと薄さ、暖かさがあります。
  • 広げてポンチョのように肩にかけても便利
  • 顔周りも明るくみせるとても綺麗な発色です
  • 白系の洋服のグラデーションも楽しめます
  • 小物に加えるだけでエレガントに
  • カジュアルなスタイルも大人エレガントになります
  • いつものニットも違ってみえます
  • 巻き方を色々楽しめて、その上肩から落ちてこない良さ
  • 薄着ニットのためターバンのようにも使える自在のスヌード
  • グレーや黒系によく似合います
  • ゆったりと巻けばエレガントに
  • 二つに折って簡単に巻く方法は男性でも使いやすい
  • 伸縮性があって輪っか状のおかげでこうした使い方もできます
  • さまざまな巻き方を楽しめる便利さです
  • カシミヤ後染スヌード	PINK 身長160cm
  • カシミヤ後染スヌード	PINK 身長160cm
Size Width 42cm
Height 66.5cm
* There are individual differences, and it is a guideline.
Weight 44g
Material 100% cashmere
Country of origin Italy
Gift box Gift box is not available for this product.


  • - Be careful of friction and catching.
    - Please refrain from washing at home or tumble drying.


  • 一枚で幸せな気持ちになるPin1876のカシミヤストール


Pin 1876(ピン1876)

Pin 1876(ピン1876)

伝統的な技法で純粋な糸の生産を行い、ファブリックを専門に扱うファクトリーブランドで、イタリアのテキスタイル界では大御所と認められている会社です。各国のデザイナー達がその風合いと原料の良さを認めており、LOUIS VUITTONやHERMESなどの高級メゾンがこのメーカーの織物を多用しているのにも、高い信頼が伺えます。このBotto Giuseppe社が手掛けるストールブランドがこの PIN1876 です。このブランド名は創業者のGiuseppe Botto Poalaのニックネーム「PIN」に由来しています。「空気のような軽さと繊細さ」をコンセプトにエレガントなスタイルを追求したPIN1876は、繊細さ、軽さ、暖かさなどの機能性だけでなく、高い感度でトレンドを追求している点も魅力的です。

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