そんな時におすすめなのがこちらのDry Bag Mat Cross。KnirpsのFiber T2 Duomaticタイプがすっぽりと入る大きさで、ビジネスマンの方におすすめです。書類やお財布の入った鞄の中でも、これがあれば心強いですよね。全長29cm、周囲の長さ17.5cmまでの折り畳み傘を収納することが出来ます。
クールでスタイリッシュなMat Crossのデザインは男性におすすめ。Knirpsの折り畳み傘のFiber T2 Duomatic (Mat Cross)と同じ柄になります。他の柄の傘とコーディネートを楽しむのも良いですね。
軽量なボディのKnirps(クニルプス)は、旅行や出張のお供に最適なので、贈りものにもぴったり。そんな傘と一緒に、こちらのDry Bag Mat Crossをセレクトして、ギフトにお選び頂くのも素敵です。
サイズ | 縦約32.5×横10.5(cm)
重量 | 約42g
素材 | 外側生地:ポリエステル/内側生地:ポリエステル80%・ナイロン20% |
箱有無 | 無 |
製造国 | 中国※ドイツ企画 |
Knirps is a long-established brand that created the world's first folding umbrella. Just as "stapler" is synonymous with stapler in Japan, Knirps is widely recognized in Europe as it means "folding umbrella". Especially in my home country of Germany, when I look up "folding umbrella" in a dictionary, it is written as "Knirps". The folding umbrella was invented by Hans Haupt of Germany in 1928. Knirps was the first to commercialize a few years later. The folding umbrellas produced by Knirps have attracted many people with high quality, and even after many years since their birth, they continue to run as the top manufacturer of folding umbrellas. In addition to its excellent functionality, it has also received high praise in terms of design, and the "X1 / X1" series won the "ISDA Award" in 2004 and the Good Design Award in 2005. I think there is a secret that Knirps umbrellas have been loved by people all over the world for a long time because of their sincere attitude to pursue not only practicality but also beauty of appearance.
商品 | 価格(税込) | 在庫 | 個数 | |
Knirps Dry Bag For Folding Umbrellla Mat Cross
¥2,090(税込) |
残り2点 |
Knirps Dry Bag For Folding Umbrellla Mat Cross(TRUSTY RED)
¥1,980(税込) |
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