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1616/arita japan(イチロクイチロク)


Color that matches white porcelain

1616/arita japan PC "Outline" series with colorful lines in a transparent white porcelain like Arita ware. We reinterpret the traditional Arita porcelain with a French designer and express it with a design that makes you feel nostalgia and newness. As it is a pair set, it is ideal for gifts.

A dish that cooks well

Arita porcelain, which began producing porcelain in 1616, is the first prosperous industry in Japan. The brand 1616/arita japan is a product that changes Arita porcelain, which had been treated like luxury goods and art, into daily necessities. It is a brand that will become a new standard that expands the possibilities of Arita ware by "designing things that can be used at home and dining tables all over the world."

PC ROUND PLATE PAIR is a standard white porcelain round plate with a slight ridge on the edge and a color cast along with the shadow. The PC "Outline" is designed by the well-known French designer Pierre Charpin and is based on traditional Arita ware decoration.

The thin, colorful lines that line the edges make you want to look at it. It makes you feel the softness and the lightness that relieves you. In addition, the center of the plate is white porcelain, so the dish is designed to stand out. It has a good balance of white porcelain and edging, and it makes the table casually gorgeous.

At first glance, it feels like a Western plate, but it's also a design that comes nicely with Japanese dishes. You can enjoy how to arrange it, such as carefully cooked fish dishes, carefully arranged sashimi, and small side dishes of vegetables on one plate. It's a bright dish, so it's good as a main dish when you welcome customers.

PC ROUND PLATE PAIR is included in the box, so it is recommended for various gift scenes. Please select for celebrations such as wedding gifts and thank-you items.

Arita ware that can be used in daily life

Arita porcelain was born 400 years ago as a tool. Mr. Teruhiro Yanagihara of 1616/arita japan who developed a simple and easy-to-use pottery with a new sensibility and a new sensibility while thinking about its history. A shape that can be used flexibly without limiting the application. Arita porcelain was born with a simple yet beautiful feel.

Also, while making Arita ware, which has been a work of art until now, into a pancake that can be eaten with a fork and a knife, by not forgetting the delicacy and fine details unique to Japan, the spirit of a craftsman who inherits the tradition is a product. I am showing you. 1616/arita japan which is starting to attract attention from all over the world, is a device that can be used as a standard item in a wide range of lifestyles regardless of age.

PC ラウンドプレート ペアセット


  • PC ラウンドプレート ペアセット
  • フランス人デザイナー、ピエール・シャルパンによるデザイン
  • 側面
  • スタンダードな白磁の丸皿の縁にわずかに隆起を作り、陰影とともに色を乗せたデザイン
  • ロゴ
  • サイズイメージ
  • 箱入り
Size Diameter 24cm
Height 2.3cm
Weight 414g
Material Porcelain
Country of origin Japan
Gift box The product would be packaged in a gift box.
Compatiability Microwave: ◯
Dishwasher: ◯
Oven: ×


  • The size may vary.


1616/arita japan(イチロクイチロク)

1616/arita japan(イチロクイチロク)

1647年(正保4年)より有田の地で焼物を手がける陶器メーカー、百田陶園から誕生したブランド、1616/arita japan(イチロクイチロク)。「1616」とは、初めて有田で陶磁器が作られた年号です。古くから、有田焼の総合商社としてお客様に喜ばれる商品の提供に努めてきた百田陶園が、長きに渡り、伝統と歴史を守ってきた有田焼に新たな可能性をと、「歴史をつなぐ新たな陶磁器ブランド、日常使いしてもらえる器」をコンセプトに1616/arita japan(イチロクイチロク)を作り上げました。
現代の食生活が多国籍化や、海外の食生活を考え、概念を捨てることで新しいものを創れる。という考えのもと、原料、成型、釉薬など、焼物の基本のすべてを見直し、誕生したブランド1616/arita japan(イチロクイチロク)は、50年後、その先も世界中の家庭で有田焼が使われていることを感じる新星有田焼ブランドなのです。

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