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Oregonian Camper

Oregonian Camper

Inheriting good old America

The mother was a small factory on the west coast of the United States. In the midst of the outdoor boom that began in the late 1960s, while undertaking the production of many outdoor brands, we are also good at 64 (60/40) cloth wear, and the technology is highly evaluated as we mainly deal with famous brand mountain parkas. Was being done.
When the outdoor boom subsided, the factory was temporarily suspended, but we will restart in 2011 by making use of the technology we have cultivated in outdoor products. There were several brands, but the one that developed camping gear (camping equipment) was Oregonian Camper.
Every weekend, the Oregon people who drive to their favorite campsites liked the good old American rugged and nostalgic camping equipment. It is a factory brand with excellent functionality.

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