Underwear brand for children, founded in Denmark in 1963, joha. We have developed wool underwear for children for the first time, saying it is better to use wool than acrylic-blended and cotton-based clothes to protect children who can not adjust their temperature well from the cold. In recent years, wool has been re-evaluated the original properties of the material is used in sportswear and is used in various scenes. joha uses wool with such a lot of attractiveness, and it is widely known as a wool underwear brand for children, especially in Scandinavia, by focusing on fabrics and design.
Long sleeves can be worn alone or as an inner lay...
Joha's merino wool leggings are perfect for loung...
Joha's limited edition wool silk top is comfortab...
joha is well-known for its innerwear.The WOOL BAS...
JOHA is well-known for its innerwear.The WOOL BAS...
おしゃれを楽しむ女性に着心地、機能的におすすめしたいjoha(ヨハ)のメリノウール タンクトップ。...
おしゃれを楽しむ女性に着心地、機能的におすすめしたいjoha(ヨハ)のメリノウール レギンス。 ...
An elegant piece of lace that makes you feel the ...
The inner of joha is recommended for women who en...
Moist and fluffy skin feels comfortable to be wra...
A mature and elegant lace camisole with a discree...
The mere mention of wool innerwear may make you f...
おしゃれを楽しむ女性に着心地、機能的におすすめしたいjoha(ヨハ)のメリノウール ロングスリーブ...
おしゃれを楽しむ女性に着心地、機能的におすすめしたいjoha(ヨハ)のウール・シルクレギンス。 ...
The more comfortable the innerwear is, the more s...
An off-white romper that further enhances the cut...
Joha's bodysuit bib that has a lovely animal patt...
Joha wool and silk boxer shorts with a comfortabl...
Two calm colors are designed to enhance the cuten...
Joha's wool silk men's tank top has the softness ...
The smoothness of organic cotton and the gentle t...
The off-white lace is lovely, and the gentle wool...
Joha baby leggings that firmly protect the soft a...
おしゃれを楽しむ女性に着心地、機能的におすすめしたいjoha(ヨハ)のウール・シルクショーツ。 ...
出産のお祝いにおすすめしたい、joha(ヨハ)の「出産祝い レース2点セット オフホワイト」。ウー...
さらさらとした気持ち良い肌触り。コットン製かと思いきや、joha(ヨハ)のベビーナイトスーツ 80...
「ふわふわ」「もこもこ」。そんな表現がぴったりなのが、joha(ヨハ)の出産祝い 3点セット。赤ち...
さらさらとした気持ち良い肌触り。コットン製かと思いきや、joha(ヨハ)の出産祝い 2点セットはウ...