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For every day that is bright and comfortable

Linen apron WATAMU made of smooth and soft washed linen. The design, reminiscent of the vast and calm sea and the sun shining on the horizon, looks great with the texture of the rustic linen, and seems to brighten up your daily household chores.

Finland is known as the "Land of Forests and Lakes", and as the name suggests, it is a region full of nature. Finnish people enjoy coexisting with nature while experiencing the changing seasons, and they are very comfortable living with linen, a natural material. LAPUAN KANKURIT is a Finnish-born brand with attractive designs that make the most of materials and are simple yet assertive. Now that you want to make your daily life comfortable and rich, why not incorporate linen into your life and enjoy the "pleasure of using linen" in various life scenes?

Connecting the future of Kenya from Finland

The design was done by Mifuko, a Finnish design company that specializes in manufacturing that combines Finnish design and Kenyan handicraft technology. While setting up an office in Helsinki, they visit Kenya several times a year to interact with and hire local craftsmen. Its activities are also connected to the independence support of Kenyan women, and are attracting attention not only from the fashion industry but also from various fields such as society, the environment, and ethical fields. Mifuko, which means "pocket" in Swahili, is exactly like a pocket that wraps and protects important things.

At home or outdoors

WATAMU, which is named after Kenya's marine national park with beautiful beaches on the Indian Ocean coast, has vivid colors that give a sense of the uniqueness of the combination of the crisp and refreshing Kenyan climate and multiculturalism. This is expressed in delicate thin lines inspired by traditional Finnish embroidery. A clean apron that perfectly matches the smooth texture of washed linen and the design of bright colors.

Washed linen has a smooth and soft texture that makes you happy every time you touch it. The type of apron that covers from the waist to the feet is nice because it can be used casually without the hassle of passing the shoulder straps through. The material is resistant to dirt and has a long length, so you can use it not only in the kitchen or at home, but also for outdoor work such as gardening where you are concerned about getting your feet dirty.

Two colors are available: GRAY BORDEAUX accented with red and orange patterns like the seaside where the sun sets, and CLOUDBERRY BLUE, which represents the light shining on the clear water surface. Made of high-quality materials and with a sophisticated design, this apron is a great gift for mothers who enjoy growing vegetables on Mother's Day, or as a wedding gift for friends who are starting to get into cooking.

Manufacturing to enrich people's lives

LAPUAN KANKURIT is also particular about the materials used, and is the only manufacturer of linen products in Northern Europe to be certified as a "Master of Linen". We are particular about the selection of materials, importing soft linen products from South America, and hard products from New Zealand and Scandinavian countries, and select the best linen materials for each usage scene. And as a result of researching how to weave the edges of the fabric beautifully, we are so particular about making linen products that we have our own weaving machine.
And the fact that we are able to offer products at a reasonable price through consistent production at our own factory gives us a sense of our desire to be close to the lives of LAPUAN KANKURIT. In order to make good quality products, LAPUAN KANKURIT, which has been manufacturing unchanged for four generations, delivers products that you want to use all the time.



  • リネンエプロン WATAMU(身長162cm・GREY BORDEAUX)
  • リネンエプロン WATAMU(身長162cm・CLOUDBERRY BLUE)
  • フィンランドの伝統的な刺繍から着想を得たデザイン(身長162cm・GREY BORDEAUX)
  • 腰から下を覆うタイプのエプロンです(身長162cm・GREY BORDEAUX)
  • フィンランドの伝統的な刺繍から着想を得たデザイン(身長162cm・CLOUDBERRY BLUE)
  • 腰から下を覆うタイプのエプロンです(身長162cm・CLOUDBERRY BLUE)
  • シンプルだけど主張のある飽きのこないデザイン(身長162cm・CLOUDBERRY BLUE)
  • 素材感のあるリネンに鮮やかで繊細な模様を施しています(身長162cm・GREY BORDEAUX)
  • 素材感のあるリネンに鮮やかで繊細な模様を施しています(身長162cm・CLOUDBERRY BLUE)
  • 夕日が沈む海辺のように赤やオレンジの模様がアクセントになったGREY BORDEAUX
  • 晴れ晴れとした水面に輝く光を表したようなCLOUDBERRY BLUE
  • さらりと柔らかいウォッシュドリネン(GREY BORDEAUX)
  • さらりと柔らかいウォッシュドリネン(CLOUDBERRY BLUE)
  • 上質な素材で作られ、洗練されたデザインのエプロン(CLOUDBERRY BLUE)
  • フィンランドのデザインとケニアの手工芸技術を組み合わせたものづくりを得意とするMifukoがデザインを手掛けました(CLOUDBERRY BLUE)
  • ケニアの海洋国立公園の名前から由来するWATAMU(身長162cm・GREY BORDEAUX)
  • フィンランドの伝統的な刺繍から着想を得たデザイン(身長162cm・CLOUDBERRY BLUE)
Size Width: 74cm
Length: 74cm
Weight 162g
Material 100% linen (washed)
Country of origin Finland
Gift box Gift box is not available for this product.

Feature of product

  • - A type of apron that covers from the waist down using soft washed linen from the beginning.
    - Vivid and delicate patterns are applied to linen with a texture.


  • - Due to the use of natural materials and the effects of finishing, etc., the actual size may differ from the displayed size.
    - Please use it after washing it once.
    - When washing, please wash separately with a weak water flow of 60°C or less.
    - We recommend using a small amount of fabric softener.
    - Avoid tumble drying.




「ラプアの織り手たち」を意味するLAPUAN KANKURIT(ラプアンカンクリ)。
当時は貧しく、物資のない時代。一般家庭で毛糸や麻が作られていたその時代に、 創業者の曾祖父、ユホ・アンナラが廃材と自分で紡いだ毛糸でフェルトブーツを生産し始めたのが始まりのきっかけです。
その後の1973年、織物工場からテキスタイル会社としてのLAPUAN KANKURIT(ラプアンカンクリ)が設立されました。

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