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Quickly , Living with Sarashi

"Wipe, squeeze, wrap, lay, polish, brew, strain, steam, drain water" It is a versatile Japanese bleaching cloth that can be used quickly for various purposes as a cooking cloth or a cleaning cloth. From the crispy material at the beginning, the dough that becomes familiar as you use it is full of charm that you will want to use with cooking utensils.

Can be used infinitely depending on the idea

Some people may be reluctant to use kitchen paper, wraps, and parchment paper that are disposable in the kitchen. Sasasa's Japanese bleached roll can be washed and used over and over again, so it can replace the various consumables that have been used so far, and can be environmentally friendly by reducing the amount of garbage. is. The fabric is Okakiji, which has fine eyes and a smooth texture. Since the thread is thin and thin, you can feel the softness while being crisp, and feel the smooth touch.

The more ideas you come up with, the wider the range of uses. This time, I have made some suggestions for how to use it, so please refer to it.

-Use as a towel to wipe your hands.
-Spread as a drainer for tableware.
-For cleaning tables and dishes.
-For draining vegetables.
-Use as a steaming cloth together with a bamboo steamer or an anhydrous pot.
-Coffee is brewed as a dripper filter.
-Strain the soup stock.
-Use as a cleaning rag.

It is strong against heat and there is no worry of tearing, so it is safe in that respect. Also, even after using it as a cooking cloth once, it can be used repeatedly because it can be kept clean by disinfecting it by boiling. After that, wipe your hands with a cloth or tableware. At the end, it's good if you gradually change the usage, such as for cleaning. And since the Japanese bleached roll (Wazarashi roll) has perforations, it is possible to easily cut out as much as you need, even though it is a cloth. The cut part looks like the thread has frayed, but it does not unravel more and more, and it is a nice point to prevent germs from accumulating by leaving it cut.

Ancient Japanese bleaching

The Takeda bleaching factory, a long-established manufacturer with 100 years of bleaching manufacturing, manufactures small products. Wa-bleaching is generally made by using chemicals to remove lipids and impurities from natural cotton before dyeing, but at the Takeda bleaching factory, the environment-friendly Wa-bleaching is uniquely manufactured. We have the technology and do not use any powerful chemicals such as chemical soda. By taking care of the body and reducing the amount of dyeing and chemicals that are not burdensome, we create a white bleaching while retaining the pigments and odors of natural cotton fibers.

In 1911, Takeda Kikumatsu, the founder of the Takeda bleaching factory, focused on the high-quality Ishizu River flowing through the pore village of Sakai City, Osaka, and began Japanese bleaching processing using the water. The brand was established with the aim of proposing bleaching, which is becoming less popular due to the passage of time, into modern life while inheriting the inherited technology in Japanese bleaching, which is also an ancient Japanese bleaching culture. We are re-examining the value of "wa-bleaching" and proposing "wa-bleaching" that is easy to use in modern life.

A small Japanese bleached roll that we would like to recommend to those who are looking for a unique gift. For those who are environmentally conscious, who are interested in Japanese culture, and who like to read lifestyle magazines. It is also recommended to give it as a celebration of moving or a private celebration.

和晒ロール Cut 2本


  • 和晒ロール Cut 2本
  • パッケージの中身
  • 一枚カットすると35cm正方形
  • 切り取りしやすいミシン目付
  • 薄くい晒し
  • キリトリ線
  • 布巾に
  • 水切り布巾
  • 手拭きに
  • 食器拭きに
  • 台拭き
  • 蒸し器に
  • ペーパーフィルターにもなる
  • せいろでご飯の温め直しにも
  • 茶巾づくりや
  • 出汁をとるにも
  • 掃除用雑巾に
set content Japanese bleaching cloth ×2
size Width: 350mm
Full length: 7m
Diameter: 62mm
One size per perforation 35×35cm
Weight 360g
Material cotton 100% (Oka fabric)
Country of origin Japan
Gift box Gift box is not available for this product.

how to care

  • Please wash in the same way as a general cloth, or boil and disinfect (you can also use a microwave in a heat-resistant container filled with water) and let it dry, and it will dry after a few hours.




In 1911, Takeda Kikumatsu, the founder of the Takeda bleaching factory, focused on the high-quality Ishizu River flowing through the pore village of Sakai City, Osaka, and began Japanese bleaching processing using the water. The brand was established with the aim of proposing bleaching, which is becoming less popular due to the passage of time, into modern life while inheriting the inherited technology in Japanese bleaching, which is also an ancient Japanese bleaching culture. We are re-examining the value of "wa-bleaching" and proposing "wa-bleaching" that is easy to use in modern life.

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