In 1981, Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture, known for its beautiful townscape that has continued since the Edo period, began as a textile print design and silk screen printing factory based on the Kurashiki, where the tradition of handiwork remains. It is a brand name of the miscellaneous goods maker that works.
Kurashiki design will leave unmatched pottery and welding marks. Faded paper. Smear of blurred pattern and ink. We cherish the materials, refine the process of manufacturing and the texture created there to a unique character, and create warm tools.
The craftsmanship that is produced while intertwining the skills of skilled craftsmen is used daily as a daily necessities, creating more irreplaceable tools for someone who grows more beautiful.
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木のぬくもりのある四角いボックスは、倉敷意匠の救急箱Sです。 温もりあるツガ材を使用し、レトロな...
木のぬくもりのある四角い収納箱は、倉敷意匠のデスクツールボックスです。 手に取ると木目の美しさが...
木のぬくもりのある四角い収納箱は、倉敷意匠の引き出しボックスです。 伝統的な木工技術の「石畳...
The square storage box with the warmth of wood is...
木のぬくもりのある四角い収納箱は、倉敷意匠の手提げ小箱です。 手に取ると木目の美しさが直に感じら...