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I won't lose my earrings anymore

Pearl earrings are an indispensable item for women who look neat and adorable, but many of you may have dropped or lost your favorite earrings. If the catch comes off due to some kind of force, the earring will be dropped along with it, which is a sad experience. We would like to introduce you to Baqless, a Swiss-born brand that has developed a revolutionary technique over many years to solve the problem of putting on and taking off earrings.

Post and catch integrated

At first glance, it's just a post, so maybe I forgot to attach the catch? It may seem like this, but in reality, by changing the angle of the tip of this post into a T-shape, it turns into a back catch. Since the post and catch are integrated, you no longer have to worry about the catch coming off and losing your earrings like with traditional earrings. As I actually use it, the fact that there is no catch actually feels very liberating. Unknowingly, putting on and taking off earrings may have been nerve-wracking without you realizing it, as you are worried about losing the earrings if you fail to pick the catch, which is a small part. Also, you tend to tighten the catch all the way in case it falls off, but with Baqless, you can rotate the shaft part (post) and make it into a T-shape and move it to the middle, so you can drop it without tightening it. You don't have to worry about it and it's comfortable to wear. This rotating shaft structure of Baqless is the world's first groundbreaking technology and has been patented in Europe, America and Asia. As you slide the post, you can feel the sensation of being able to adjust it one step at a time.

``Earrings that you won't lose'' are also notable for their careful finish made with precise technology. The material of the post is surgical stainless steel, which is used for medical instruments such as scalpels and syringes, and is less likely to cause allergic reactions to metals. Earrings that can be enjoyed in a variety of occasions, both on and off, without stress. It has a light and liberating feel that makes it comfortable to wear in sports situations, so it is becoming popular among runners, swimmers, surfers, triathletes, and others. An accessory that gives off a healthy impression. Anyone who uses earrings as a gift for women, such as birthdays, Christmas, Mother's Day, etc., will appreciate them.

Looking great even without makeup

Baqless earrings are designed to be worn forever, much like a wedding ring, and can be said to be an item that ``adds shine to your face'' rather than ``decoration.'' When you don't wear make-up at home, wearing decorative earrings can make you feel different, but these healthy-looking earrings make your face shine even when you don't wear make-up, making them an indispensable part of everyday life for adults. .

All the pearls used are freshwater pearls. The highly designed CHARISMA DIANA GOLD, CHARISMA AIDA, and CHARISMA DARIA GOLD can be worn more casually and are gorgeous, so they are recommended for any occasion.

Simple single pearl earrings create a cute and elegant atmosphere when worn in your ears. Available in two colors: white pearl, which is easy to use for all occasions, including weddings and funerals, and gorgeous pink pearl, which blends well with the skin. White goes well with formal outfits, and pink goes well with casual outfits such as denim. Also, pink is slightly smaller in size than white. Pink is a special color that is not yet available in Japan. Many people already have white pearls, so pink pearls would make a great gift.

Development combining passion and technical ability

Frenchman Sebastien Barrière entered the jewelry industry after graduating from university and has been involved in jewelry design and production for 20 years in Europe and the United States. Many times, he encountered women not being satisfied with the structure of their earrings. ``Can't we make something more comfortable?'' After many discussions with his colleagues, he came up with an idea and created a prototype. The idea is that the post part is bent into an L shape instead of a catch. He conducted extensive research to put this structure into practical use, and eventually came across RONDA, a Swiss company specializing in the production of watch movements. Mass production of the T-type was achieved by making full use of RONDA's precision machine manufacturing technology for extremely precise watch movements and cutting machines, which RONDA has cultivated over many years. We made many prototypes and made modifications to create the perfect product, changing the material of the post and the internal microballs, and changing the size of each part in microscopic units. After a long period of development, they have created a product that they are proud to bring to the world. After 8 years of research from conception, the world's first earrings without catches were born. Baqless started in Basel, Switzerland at the end of 2018.

RONDA is a Swiss watch movement manufacturer. Switzerland's smallest quartz (battery-powered) movement is made here. RONDA Swiss-made quartz movements are known worldwide and boast excellent precision technology in manufacturing and assembling minute parts such as gears and coils used in movements.

How to wear catchless earrings

キャッチレスピアス パール(CHARISMA DIANA GOLD)


  • キャッチレスピアス パール(CHARISMA DIANA GOLD)
  • キャッチレスピアス パール(CHARISMA DIANA GOLD)
  • キャッチレスピアス パール(CHARISMA AIDA)
  • 顔まわりを彩ってくれる華やかさ(CHARISMA AIDA)
  • キャッチレスピアス パール(CHARISMA DARIA GOLD)
  • 純白のパールにスパイスの効いたトライアングルモチーフを組み合わせたデザイン(CHARISMA DARIA GOLD)
  • キャッチレスピアス パール(ピンク 6.5-7mm)
  • キャッチレスピアス パール(ホワイト 7-7.5mm)
  • 3つのパールと9つのジルコニアをあしらったデザイン(CHARISMA AIDA)
  • キャッチレスピアス パール(CHARISMA DARIA GOLD)
  • スポーティーな装いにもマッチするかっこよさですCHARISMA DARIA GOLD)
  • キャッチレスピアス パール(ピンク 6.5-7mm)
  • キャッチレスピアス パール(ホワイト 7-7.5mm)
  • キャッチレスピアス パール(CHARISMA DIANA GOLD)
  • キャッチレスピアス パール(CHARISMA AIDA)
  • キャッチレスピアス パール(CHARISMA AIDA)
  • キャッチレスピアス パール(CHARISMA DARIA GOLD)
  • キャッチレスピアス パール(CHARISMA DARIA GOLD)
  • キャッチレスピアス パール(ピンク 6.5-7mm)
  • キャッチレスピアス パール(ピンク 6.5-7mm)
  • キャッチレスピアス パール(ホワイト 7-7.5mm)
  • キャッチレスピアス パール(ホワイト 7-7.5mm)
  • キャッチレスピアス パール(CHARISMA AIDA)
  • キャッチレスピアス パール(CHARISMA AIDA)
  • サイズ感
  • 左:ピンク 6.5-7mm、右:ホワイト 7-7.5mm
  • ギフトにもぴったりなパッケージ(CHARISMA DIANA GOLD)
  • 保管に便利なブランド名入りの缶(色はアソート)
  • 保管に便利なブランド名入りの缶(色はアソート)
  • ギフトにもぴったりなパッケージ
  • 特許取得済みのポスト(CHARISMA DIANA GOLD)
  • 軸をT字にするとキャッチに変化(CHARISMA DIANA GOLD)
  • キャッチレスピアス パール(CHARISMA AIDA)
  • キャッチレスピアス パール(CHARISMA DARIA GOLD)
  • 着脱の方法
CHARISMA DIANA GOLD Motif: width 7mm x height 7mm
Earring post diameter: 1mm
CHARISMA AIDA Motif: width 14mm x height 0.5mm
Pearl: diameter 4mm
Earring post diameter: 1mm
CHARISMA DARIA GOLD Motif: Width 0.6mm x Height 10.1mm
Earring post diameter: 1mm
White 7-7.5mm motif:φ7mm
Pink 6.5-7mm motif:φ6.5mm
Material Stone : Freshwater pearl
Base : 925 silver (K18 plated)
Post : Surgical stainless steel
Weight 1g(One)
Country of origin Thailand
Gift box This product would be packaged in a gift box.

Product Features

  • - Integrated pierced earrings with a rotating shaft that serves as a back catch.
    - The catch, which can be adjusted in 9 steps, can be worn comfortably without tightening.
    - Simple design that can be worn every day.
    - Baqless's rotating shaft structure is the world's first technology, so patents have been registered in Europe, the United States and Asia. Patent number 6636942


  • - For hygiene reasons, we cannot accept exchanges or returns after trying on. Please note.
    - If you bend the post into a T shape, be sure to shift one inward. If you just make it T-shaped, the post will return straight and the pierced earrings will come off.
    - Freshwater pearls may discolor or lose their texture in a short period of time in response to water, sweat, cosmetics, chemicals, etc. Please take care of them occasionally regardless of the frequency of use.

How to care

  • - After wearing, wipe off sweat and dirt, avoid direct sunlight and dust, and store in a low humidity place.
    - Because it is delicately made, be sure to put it in a hard case such as a box or can when you carry it around.




Frenchman Sebastian Barriere entered the jewelery industry after graduating from college and has been involved in jewelery design and production for 20 years in Europe and the United States. Many times in it, women faced dissatisfaction with the structure of their earrings. "Can we make something more comfortable?" He discusses with his colleagues, arrives at an idea, and makes a prototype. The idea is a structure in which the post part bends into an L shape instead of a catch. After repeated research to put the structure to practical use, I soon came across "Ronda", a company specializing in the production of Swiss wristwatch movements. Mass production of T-type is realized by making full use of the precision machine manufacturing technology and cutting machine of the extremely precise watch movement that RONDA has cultivated over many years. After eight years of research from the concept, Baqless started in Basel, Switzerland at the end of 2018. The world's first catchless earrings.

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キャッチレスピアス パールには、他にもこんな仲間がいます。

キャッチレスピアス パールには、こんなZUTTOな商品がぴったりです。
