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Dedicated to two Alice

Cutipol cutlery with an impressive straight line beauty. In contrast to that image, the ALICE series, which features gentle curves and asymmetrical shapes, is the brand's first cutlery for children. Designed with the motif of Alice in Wonderland, it is a cute set that looks like a candy, but it is made with the same high quality as the standard Cutipol products. A cutlery set that is also recommended as a gift.

A set that can be used by both children and adults

The Kids Cutlery ALICE was designed by Cutipol designer Joa Kim Ribeiro. The asymmetrical design is designed to make it easier for children who have begun to learn table manners to hold a fork in their left hand and a knife in their right hand. Assuming that it will be used by children, it has a slightly thick handle that is easy to hold even with small hands, and the knife is not sharp, it is just for cutting soft things such as omelets and hamburgers, and it can also be used when applying butter and jam. It is designed for children aged 5 or 6 years old, but it is a cutlery set that even adults can use.

The motif was "Alice in Wonderland". The main character, Alice, participates in a mysterious tea party in the middle of the story. She has a tea party with unique characters such as the Mad Hatter who always drinks tea, the March Hare who mixes time, and the mysterious Cheshire Cat. A playful cutlery that is perfect for the dreamy, a little mysterious, but fun tea party. The included card is also designed to imitate playing cards. It would be nice to use it together with other standard cutlery from Cutipol as a family. It is also recommended as a gift for children's milestones such as entrance ceremonies and Shichigosan.

In fact, this ALICE series is also dedicated to another Alice. In 1964, she was Alice Marquez, the founder of Cutipol, with her husband, Giusé Ribeiro. She loves and respects her, and the named Kids Cutlery her ALICE is a set that also feels the warmth of her creator.

Practicality and beauty

Cutipol has been making cutlery in Portugal for generations. A complete original item that even devises molding and vapor deposition equipment in-house. Not only the design but also the finishing is carefully crafted one by one by skilled craftsmen, and the beautiful curves and luster are more like works of art than industrial products. Its high quality can be seen from the fact that it is used by Portuguese embassies, governments and top-class hotels. The cutlery, which combines a stainless steel and resin handle, is so smooth that you can hardly feel the seams.

At Cutipol, many processes are still performed manually to express the beauty of curves and the ideal curve. Compared to the average one, forks have longer teeth and knives and spoons have a characteristic rounded shape. These detailed specifications are unique to manual work, which cannot be done by machine-made products. The brand logo, which is engraved at the end of manufacturing, is also hand-made one by one.

Born from Portuguese food culture

Cutipol has a factory in the quiet town of Cardas das Taipas, Portugal. This area is known to be adjacent to many cutlery factories in Portugal, where food culture was developing, and Cutipol also started as a family-owned company in the 1920s. Although it was a small manufacturer with only 6 employees when it was first founded, it has evolved into manufacturing iron forks and spoons and exporting products. The fork that was generally made at that time was a simple shape made using Mino, but Cutipol was aimed at a cutlery that pursued ease of use by angling it with a hammer. It led to the spread of.

While inheriting the Portuguese cutlery tradition, Cutipol's cutlery is also highly practical by incorporating ergonomics and the latest technology. By refining its design and manufacturing technology, it is now a world-renowned company, especially in Europe and North America.

キッズカトラリー ALICE(ホワイト)


  • キッズカトラリー ALICE(ホワイト)
  • キッズカトラリー ALICE(ホワイト)
  • キッズカトラリー ALICE(ピンク)
  • キッズカトラリー ALICE(ピンク)
  • キッズカトラリー ALICE(セラドン)
  • キッズカトラリー ALICE(セラドン)
  • 特別感のある赤い箱でのお届け
  • サイズイメージ(ホワイト)
  • サイズイメージ(ピンク)
  • 大人も十分お使いいただけるサイズです
  • 大人も十分お使いいただけるサイズです
  • スプーン、ナイフ、フォークのセット
  • 遊び心溢れるカトラリー
  • 子ども達の使いやすさを考慮し、あえて左右非対称のデザインに
  • セラドン
  • 小さな手でも握りやすいやや太めのハンドル
  • セラドン
  • 鋭くなく、安心して使えるナイフ
  • 刻印
  • ホワイト
  • ギフトにもおすすめ
  • パッケージ
Size Spoon: Length 16.2 x Width 3 (cm)
Knife: Length 17.3 x Width 1.8 (cm)
Fork: Length 16.3 x Width 2.8 (cm)
Weight Spoon: 26g
Knife: 24g
Fork: 23g
Target age Around 5 years old
Material 18-8 stainless steel, resin
Country of origin Portugal
Gift box This product would be packaged in a gift box.
Box size Width 20cm
Depth 12.3cm
Height 2.4cm
Compatibility Microwave: x
Dishwasher: x
Oven: x


  • - Since the handle is made of resin, it may be deformed, damaged or discolored by the heat of the dishwasher. We recommend hand washing after use.
    - Do not use chlorine-based detergents, abrasives, steel scrubbing brushes, etc.
    - In particular, wash the plating immediately after use to prevent rust and discoloration, wipe it dry, and then store it.
    - Please avoid steam washing in the dishwasher.
    - Please note that excessive contact between cutlery may cause scratches.
    - You can prevent fading by applying olive oil etc. to the dark resin pattern.


  • 経年変化により金属部分のヘアライン(細長い筋目)が薄くなってきた場合には、ヘアラインを再生する加工も対応可能です。ご希望の方はカスタマーサポートまでお問い合わせください。




ポルトガルのカルダス・ダス・タイパスという閑静な町に工場を持つ、Cutipol(クチポール)。古くから多くのカトラリー工場が隣接することで知られていたこの地で、Cutipol(クチポール)は1920年代に家族経営の会社としてスタートしました。 創業当初は従業員が6名のみという小規模なメーカーでありながら、鉄のフォークやスプーンを製造し、製品を輸出するまでに発展。 当時一般的に作られていたフォークは、ミノを用いて作られる単純な形でしたが、ハンマーを用いて角度を付け、使いやすさを追求したカトラリーを目指していった功績があります。ポルトガルにおけるカトラリーの伝統を受け継ぎながらも、人間工学と最新テクノロジーを取り入れることで、実用性にも優れたCutipol(クチポール)のカトラリー。デザインや製造技術を磨き上げることで、今では、ヨーロッパや北米を中心に世界的に知られる企業となっています。

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