Ancient city Kyoto is Gojo slope. NISHIKAWA TEIZABURO SHOTEN is located in the area where the pots of pottery and pottery are connected. Since its establishment in 1917, NISHIKAWA TEIZA BURO SHOTEN, which has been selling pottery and porcelain mainly from Kyoto and Shimizu, has been promoting sales of Shimizu and traditional handicrafts in the world, bringing Japanese traditional culture to the world It is a long-established store to introduce.
Kiyomizu-yaki is a pottery that has been around since the Edo period, and was burned in Gojozaka, which is an approach to Kiyomizu-dera Temple in Kyoto. After the Meiji era, pottery was actively made around Shimizu, and the way that Kyoto's pottery was called Shimizu-yaki was established.
It is one of the pottery that can be regarded as a symbol of Japanese culture that has received the designation of the traditional craft designated by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry and the traditional craft designated by the Kyoto Prefecture Governor.
Carefully brew the tea and enjoy it slowly. Such ...
``A small tea room just for you that opens out fr...
Nishikawa Teizaburo Shoten's vessels are attracti...
Nishikawa Teizaburo Shoten's vessels are attracti...
Nishikawa Teizaburo Shoten's vessels are attracti...
Nishikawa Teizaburo Shoten's vessels are attracti...
Nishikawa Teizaburo Shoten's vessels are attracti...
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